21 Jan, 1987

Champion Horse & Dog Trainer

The First thing that strikes one about Jimmy Bharucha, secretary of the Amateur Riders' Club for the past 22 years is the fact that he seems so self-effacing. Not shy not overly modest but one gets the impression that he really thinks he is too uninteresting to talk about.

It obviously always was not like that, not if one can get him to show his old albums filled with photographs of the days when he was a champion jockey, then a champion dog trainer which he still is. And he had a way with horses that had to be seen to be believed. When asked to perform at a special dance being held to raise funds for the Animal Welfare Association, he actually walked his horse, a beautiful white animal named Ataturk up the stairs of the Taj Mahal Hotel and into the ballroom, where he waltzed, tangoed, samba-ed and quickstepped him around to everyone's' delight.

His dog shows too became equally famous and a typical pamphlet distributed as part of the forthcoming souvenir to potential advertisers would read (not very modestly)."Thousands of shows in Europe and India. Millions of miles of travels. Billions of reasons why your next show should be a Jimmy Bharucha show" And his programme would always end with singing Auid Lang Syne.

Nowadays, life is much quieter than the riotous past, but Jimmy's name will always be automatically associated with horses and dogs. He is an internationally acknowledged judge in horse shows occasionally runs dog training workshops or clinics abroad, has a brisk dog-training practice here as well.

And given the chance to do everything all over again. he would not change a single thing. That is riches indeed.

Credits: The Afternoon Dispatch & Courier

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