The name of the Club is “AMATEUR RIDERS’ CLUB”.


The Registered Office of the Club is situated at Bombay in the state of Maharashtra


  1. To encourage and promote good horsemanship to members of either sex, both adults and children.
  2. EQUESTRIAN SPORTS: To provide instructional courses, lectures and demonstrations in training, schooling and care and maintenance of horses and horsemanship and every kind of equestrian sports and knowledge of horseflesh and to give all facilities for practice thereof.
  3. To encourage, promote, manage, organise, hold, and conduct competitions, matches, tournaments, shows, riding meets, cross-country rides, hunt-meetings, polo, gymkhana races, chase, horse shows and every kind of equestrian sports, games, pastimes etc. etc.
  4. HORSES & EQUIPMENT: To purchase, accept a gift of, or otherwise acquire of breed horses and to Sell, loan, hire, lease, and make available or otherwise dispose off and deal in horses and to maintain, stable, feed and take care of horses.
  5. To purchaser, sell, hire, repair, maintain and deal in saddler equipment and all apparatus, appliances, and every kind of article necessary for the functioning of the Club.
  6. To afford facilities and to advise and assist members in riding, hunting, training, acquiring, and maintaining horses, ponies etc. as also to afford facilities to members’ families for riding, sports etc. on such terms and conditions as to fees, charges, timings, and other matters as the Managing Committee shall determine from time to time.
  7. CLUB: To provide a club house, residential accommodation and all advantages, conveniences, and facilities of a first-class club in the Maharashtra State.
  8. LIBRARY: To maintain suitable library for all or any of the objects of the Club and to subscribe to periodicals and books etc.
  9. OTHER SPORTS AND PASTIMES To provide instructional courses, lectures and demonstrations and to train and give all facilities for the practice and knowledge in roller-skating, ice-skating, swimming, boating, hunting, shikar, fencing, archery, shooting, use of fire-arms, billiards, table-tennis, golf, cricket, hockey, football, volleyball, tennis, badminton and all other sports and entertainment activities, games pastimes, hobbies, etc. and to conduct, organise and hold competitions, matches, tournaments, shows etc. etc. for the same.
  10. PROPERTIES ETC To purchase, receive grant of properties etc., buy, lease, hire, or otherwise acquire playgrounds, lands, buildings, easement or other rights and interest in immovable property and to sell, let on lease, rent, give on leave and license or otherwise dispose off immovable property belonging to the Club and construct and build buildings, playgrounds, riding schools, and all other necessary structures or demolish buildings and structures and to manage or assist in the management of improve, extend and develop rights, privileges, licenses, as may be necessary or expedient in any movable and/or immovable properties.
  11. REWARDS To offer, give or contribute towards rewards, cash contributions, presents, prizes, certificates, trophies, medals, awards etc. in connection with the activities of the Club.
  12. REFRESHMENTS To provide and supply all kinds of provisions, refreshments, meals, amenities, conveniences, facilities, required by the members of the club and other persons for the time being using the club premises or any other temporary premises or during outings, shows, sports, races or other meets, at such charge or free of charge as may be deemed expedient.
  13. OTHER ASSOCIATION To promote or to hold either alone or jointly with any other Association, ETC. Club, person or persons, or corporation, sports, meetings, competitions, matches, outings, entertainment programmes and other activities
  14. ENTERTAINMENT To promote, hold, arrange, make possible, give, or support, dinners refreshments, dancing, music, balls, concerts, film shows and all other entertainments at such charge or free of charge as may be deemed expedient in connection with the activities of the Club.
  15. GENERAL WELFARE To take interest, and participate in and assist, promote, support cultural, educational, health, physical training, and all other general welfare activities organised by the Government, or other body, corporate or otherwise.
  16. LOTTERIES To promote, organise, conduct forecast pools, raffles, lotteries, totalizator etc. To the extent permitted by law in connection with the activities of the Club.
  17. STAFFS To appoint secretaries, accountants, managers, coaches, guides, teachers, instructors, lecturers and other officers and general staff as may be required from time to time for any of the objects and functions of the Club, and to dispense with their services, fix and pay their remuneration and emoluments, gratuity, pension, and other payments to such members of the staff
  18. VETERINARIAN To engage, employ and make available the services of one or more qualified veterinaries and to provide veterinary and all other aids.
  19. PROVIDENT FUND To establish and to maintain Provident Fund, health scheme, pension, and other financial benefits for the benefit of the employees of the Club and their families and their dependents.
  20. CONTRIBUTIONS ETC: To receive aid, donations or gifts from any person or persons or any other corporation, company, club, or other association for all or any of the objects of the club and to give aid, subscriptions, contributions, scholarships, or donations, to any person or persons or corporation, company, club, or other association or to a charitable institution or other fund. Furthermore, and without prejudice to the foregoing objects to organise or make collection in any form or to collect funds for any charitable cause from members and others, specially earmarked for any particular charitable purpose without any limit as to the amount so collected.
  21. REPRESENTATION To send representatives, deputation, teams, players to meet Government and other authorities, railway officials, transport establishments and others ETC. to seek and receive support, subsidies, aids, financial and other assistance, cooperation and to take part in missions organised by the authorities.
  22. OTHER BODIES To establish, promote, manage, assist in the establishment, promotion or management of any other Body, Association, Club, Corporation, Company or amalgamate or combine with others whose objects are similar or partly similar or directly or indirectly similar to the objects of the Club or the establishment or maintenance of which may be beneficial to the Club.
  23. BORROWING POWERS To borrow or raise money if necessary and to secure the repayment of any monies borrowed or owing by either a mortgage, charge or lien of property and assets of the Club or of such other security as may be approved of by members of the club in connection with the activities of the Club.
  24. NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS AND INVESTMENTS: To make, execute, accept, endorse, and negotiate promissory notes, bills of exchange, cheques and other negotiable instruments and to invest the money of the Club in such securities, debentures, bonds, fixed or call deposits and other Trustees investments and properties subject to restrictions under section 11 (5) of the Income Tax Act 1961, to the extent the same are applicable to the club as may be decided by the Managing Committee and to open, maintain and operate, savings, current or overdraft accounts with banks.
  25. OUTSIDERS To training and provide every kind of assistance to students of schools, and colleges, boys-scouts, girl-guides, personnel of National Cadet Corps, Home Guards, Police, Members of the Territorial Army and all other similar organisations and the members of the Defence Forces and to give them all amenities, assistance, facilities and services at such concessional charges as may be fixed from time to time, or to grant them free-ships.
  26. INDIAN & FOREIGN PLAYERS AND TEAMS To invite Indian and Foreign players and teams to participate in the activities of the Club, and to pay or contribute towards such of their expenses including the expenses of their mounts and equipment’s as may be deemed fit.
  27. FUNDS To establish reserve, contingency, horse-replacement, and other kinds of funds.
  28. GENERAL To do all such other acts and things as may be considered incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects in the widest sense or any of them.
  29. PROVIDED that the objects mentioned in Sub-paragraphs (a) to (z) above will be subsidiary to the main objects of the Club as are contained in Sub- paragraphs (a) to (c) of the above clause and that the Club will be entitled to carry on the subsidiary activities mentioned in Sub-paragraphs (d) to (z) above only if the main activities as mentioned in Sub-paragraphs (a) to (c) are primarily carried on unless the main activities cannot be carried on due to circumstances beyond the control of the Managing Committee of the Club.


The principal activities and the main objects of the club are confined to the State of Maharashtra.


The funds, income, and property of the Club when so ever and howsoever derived shall be applied solely for the promotion of the objects of the club as set forth in these Rules and Regulations In the event of the winding of the club for any reason whatsoever, no part of the assets or the funds of the club will be paid to any of the members of the club, but the surplus assets of the club after meeting its liabilities will be given over to any other institution carrying on similar activities and failing that to a public charitable institution as defined in Maharashtra Public Trust Act.


No alteration shall be made in the Rules and Regulations of the Club which are for the time being in force, except by a Resolution passed at any General meeting of the Club and carried by at least two thirds of the members present and voting thereon.

Accounts And Audit


True accounts shall be kept of all sums of money received and expended by the Club and the matter in respect of which such receipts and expenditure takes place, and of the property, credits and liabilities of the Club and subject to reasonable restrictions as to the time and manner of inspecting the same that may be imposed in accordance with the regulations of the Club for the time being in force, the accounts shall be open to the inspection of the members of the Managing Committee at all reasonable times at the office of the Club. Once at least in every year the accounts of the Club shall be examined, and correctness of the Balance Sheet and the income and Expenditure Account ascertained by one or more qualified auditor or auditors.


  1. At each Annual General Meeting, the members present shall appoint a duly qualified auditor or auditors to audit the accounts of the Club for the immediately preceding accounting year.
  2. The Auditor or auditors so appointed shall hold office until next Annual General meeting after their appointment.
  3. No member of the Managing Committee shall be eligible to act as Auditor.



The entire management and control of the Club shall be vested in the Managing Committee who may exercise all such powers and do all such acts and things as the Club, as by these rules or otherwise, authorised to exercise and do and are not by these rules directed or required to be exercised or done by the Club in General Meeting but subject nevertheless as to such acts or as may from time to time be determined upon or given in General Meeting provided that no such regulation or direction shall invalidate any prior act of the Managing Committee which would have been valid, if the regulation or direction had not been made or given.


  1. The Managing Committee shall consist of 10 members to be elected at an Annual General Meeting. The Managing Committee so elected shall hold office for two years. There shall be an Election to the Managing Committee every 2 years at the Annual General Meeting.
  2. The Managing Committee so appointed shall at its first Meeting after the Annual General Meeting elect from amongst its Members, a President, a Vice President, a Hon. Secretary and two Jt. Hon. Treasurers to hold office so long as the Committee by whom they are appointed continues.
  3. The President of the Club shall be the CHIEF EXECUTIVE of the Club.


At every Annual General Meeting, members of the Managing Committee shall retire, but shall be eligible for re-election. The Managing Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Club by a majority of the votes of those present and voting.


Any casual vacancy, occurring among the members of the Managing Committee may be filled up by the Managing Committee but any person so appointed shall hold office only until the next Annual General Meeting and then be eligible for re-election.


Any member of the Managing Committee shall ipso facto cease to be member thereof, if:-

  1. He is posted for default under Rule 56 (c);
  2. He absents himself from three consecutive Meetings of the Managing Committee or from all Meetings of the Managing Committee for a continuous period of three months, whichever is the longer period, without leave of absence from the Managing Committee
  3. He ceases to be a duly qualified Member of the Club.


The Managing Committee shall meet not less than once every month for the transaction of business.

QUORUM: Subject as aforesaid the Managing Committee may meet together for the despatch of business, adjourn, and otherwise regulate its Meetings and proceedings as it thinks fit, and may determine the quorum necessary for the transaction of business. Until otherwise determined four members of the Committee at the least one of whom shall be an Office bearer other than a stipendiary Office Bearer shall form a quorum without which no business shall be transacted except to adjourn the Meeting.


Questions arising in any Meeting of the Managing Committee shall be decided by a majority of votes and in the case of an equality of votes, the Chairman of the Meeting shall have a second or casting vote.


At every meeting of the Managing Committee, the President of the Club shall preside. In his absence or in case of his unwillingness to preside, the Vice- President shall preside and failing him the members of the Managing Committee shall choose one among themselves to preside.


The Managing Committee may delegate any of its powers to or appoint for any special purpose, Sub-Committee consisting of such Members of the Managing Committee or of such other persons being Members of The Club as they think fit or partly of one and partly of the other. Any Sub-Committee so formed shall conform to any regulations that may from time to time be imposed upon it by the Managing Committee. The President or in case of his unwillingness the Vice- President shall ex-Officio, be a Member of every such sub-committee. The Meetings and proceedings of any such sub-committee shall be governed by the provisions herein contained for regulating the Meeting and proceedings of the Managing Committee, so far as the same are applicable thereto and are not superseded by any regulation made by the Managing Committee.

QUORUM OF SUB - COMMITTEE MEETINGS: The quorum of meetings of such sub-committees shall be not less than half the number of Members constituting the sub-committees.


A unanimous resolution in writing signed by all the Members of the Managing committee, for the time being in Bombay, shall be as valid and effectual as if it had been passed at a meeting of the Managing Committee duly called and constituted.


The Managing Committee shall have power from time to time to lay down the actual activities of the Club for the time being and the opportunities and amenities it can afford to its members, and also from time to time, as and when it shall be deemed expedient or convenient to extend such activities, opportunities and amenities in consonance with the objects of the Club and also to limit or curtail the same, if and as occasion may arise.


The Managing Committee shall have power to make reciprocal arrangements with other clubs or institutions whose objects are more or less similar to the objects of the Club upon such terms and conditions as the Managing committee shall think fit.


The Managing Committee shall have power from time to time to make, repeal, alter and amend bye laws not in consistent with these Rules and Regulations, as the as Managing Committee shall deem expedient or convenient, for the proper conduct, management and control of the Club, and for the regulation of the activities of the Club or for any matter not specifically covered by these Rules or required to be regulated by Rules and the same shall be binding upon the Members until repealed by the Committee or set aside by a resolution at Annual or Special General Meeting of the Club.

General Meetings ( Refer Rule 10 )


The functions of the President shall include presiding at the Annual General Meeting and all other General Meetings of the Club. The President shall also be entitled to preside at all public functions of the Club like Annual tournaments, Mounted Sports, Gymkhana Meetings etc. In the absence of the President the Vice-President shall perform the functions of the President.


Once at least in every calendar year and not later than nine months from the end of each accounting year a General Meeting of the members of the Club shall be held at such place and on such date and time as may be fixed by the Managing Committee and it shall be called the Annual General Meeting.


The ordinary business of the Annual General Meeting shall be:-

  1. Adoption of the Report of the Managing Committee and Audited Statements of Accounts for the immediately preceding accounting year.
  2. Confirmation of the Minutes of the previous General Meeting.
  3. Election of the Managing Committee.
  4. Appointment of auditors.
  5. Consideration of matters properly brought up by members under Rule 29.
  6. Consideration of any other matters which may be brought before the meeting by the Managing Committee or by the members with the consent of the Chairman of the Meeting.


No person shall be eligible for election as a member of the Managing Committee unless:-

  1. A nomination duly proposed and seconded by members of the club has been lodged with the club at least seven days before the hour fixed for the commencement of the Annual General Meeting
  2. A person so nominated and seeking election has been a member of the club for a continuous period of two years immediately preceding the date fixed for the meeting.

Note: Any employee of the club shall not be entitled to be nominated for election to the Managing Committee.


  1. Any Member desirous of moving any resolution at the Annual General Meeting shall give Notice thereof, in writing to the Club not less than 7 days before the date of such Meeting.
  2. Immediately on receipt of such notice the Secretary shall place a copy thereof on notice board for information of members and also send a copy of the notice to the President of the Club.


The Managing Committee may at any time, for any special purpose, call a Special General Meeting, and they shall do so forthwith, upon the requisition in writing of any twenty Members stating the purpose for which the Meeting is required.


Rule 31 was deleted and substituted by the following:

Fourteen days prior to any General Body Meeting a notice specifying the place, date, time, with agenda/ business to be transacted thereat shall be posted in the Club's premises and be sent to each and every member of the Club in printed form either by Certificate of Posting or by Hand Delivery or by Registered Post A.D. or by Courier to their address in India or by electronic means in respect of those members who have registered their email addresses with the Club and shall also be posted on the Club's Website and notice board. In the event any member who has registered his/her email address with Club, is still desirous of receiving a hard copy of the Notice, then such member shall request the Club for the same and a printed copy shall be couriered to such member/s. It is clarified that in the aforesaid case where a member requests for a hard copy the aforesaid notice the fourteen-day period shall not apply for the purpose of providing such hard copy. Any accidental omission and/or non receipt of a notice by any member shall not make the proceedings of any such meeting invalid.


At any Special Meeting, or any adjournment thereof, no Member shall be at liberty to discuss any subject other than for which such Meeting is called, or any amendment thereto.


All questions at the Annual General Meetings and other General Meetings of the Club shall, unless otherwise specially provided for, be decided by a majority of the Members present.


  1. The quorum for all General Meetings of the Club shall be 10 members present in person. No business except adjourning the meeting shall be transacted at a General Meeting unless a quorum is present.
  2. If at any meeting a quorum be not present within half an hour from the time appointed for holding the meeting, the meeting shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week at the same time and place.
  3. If at the adjourned meeting also a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for holding the meeting, the members present shall be a quorum.


Election of the Members of the Managing Committee shall be by ballot.


Each Ballot paper shall be initialled by the Honorary Secretary or in his absence by any one of the Jt. Hon. Treasurers and shall be examined by scrutineers. The ballot paper containing the names of all the persons standing for election as Managing Committee members shall be delivered to each person present at the Annual General Meeting and entitled to vote thereat.


The voting shall be by placing crosses in the spaces opposite the names of each of the members, but, so that a voter shall not place more than ten crosses nor more than one cross opposite any one name. Each ballot paper duly completed shall be deposited in the Ballot box. The voter shall not sign his ballot paper.


Once the voting is completed the ballot box containing the voting papers shall be handed over at the meeting by the Chairman of two scrutineers who shall be appointed by the meeting to examine the voting papers and make their report to the Chairman.


The Chairman shall, at the meeting or as soon as may be there after declaring over his signature the results of the voting and such declaration shall be posted on the Notice Board in the Club premises.


In the event of equality of votes in favour of two or more candidates the Chairman shall have a casting vote or votes as the case may be. The result as declared over the signature of the Chairman shall be final and binding upon the Club and all its members.


If only ten Members or less are seeking election to the Managing Committee as Per Rule 28, the said members shall be declared duly elected by the Chairman at the Annual General Meeting without any Ballot being held and the Managing Committee so elected shall have power or treat the vacancies as vacancies under Rule 13.


Voting by proxy shall not be allowed. Voting at every Annual or Special General Meeting shall be by show of hands except where is expressly provided otherwise in these Rules.


Every General Meeting shall have power to adjourn to another day, to be then fixed, for the purpose of deciding on such propositions as may remain undetermined or for the purpose of transacting any business remaining unfinished and which is required to be transacted at a General Meeting.


The President of the Club or in his absence the Vice President of the Club and in his absence any one of the Members of the Managing Committee present and elected by the Meeting or in the absence of all the members of the Managing Committee, any member present and elected by the Meeting shall preside at General Meeting of the Club.


The Chairman of the General Meeting of the Club shall have in case of an Equality of votes on any question at the meeting, a second or casting vote.


43. Minutes

The Minutes of every General Meeting and the Meeting of the Managing Committee or of any such meetings shall be kept by the Secretary in books to be kept for the purpose.

Minutes of every General Meeting or of any Meeting of the Managing Committee or of any sub-committee of the Club, purporting to be signed by Chairman of such Meeting or by the Chairman of the next succeeding Meeting shall be taken as prima facie evidence of the matters stated in such minutes.

  1. Every member of the club shall have the right to inspect the minutes of the General Meetings only at reasonable times after due intimation to the Secretary.
  2. Every member of the Managing Committee shall have the right to inspect the minutes of all the general meeting and committee and such Committee meetings at reasonable times.



  1. Patrons
  2. Vice Patrons
  3. Life Members
  4. Ordinary Members
  5. Associate Members
  6. Junior Members
  7. Temporary Members
  8. Outstation Members
  9. Honorary Members (Including Honorary Life Members, Honorary Vice Patrons and Honorary Patrons)
  10. Service Members
  11. Corporate Member
  12. Absent Member
  13. Educational Institutions
  14. Expatriate Membership

Junior, Temporary, Outstation, Service, Corporate and Honorary Members shall not be entitled to receive notice of or to attend or vote at any General Meeting of the Club or to be elected Members of the Managing Committee of the Club. Associate Members, however, shall be entitled to receive notice of or to attend any General Meeting of the Club but shall not be entitled to vote at such Meeting or to be elected Members of the Managing Committee in all other respects except as may be prescribed by the Rules and Regulations for the time being in force, Associate, Junior, Temporary Outstation, Service, Corporate and Honorary Members shall enjoy the same privilege as Ordinary Members.


The Managing Committee shall have power to make any persons of distinction, or any persons (other than professional riders) who have taken or are about to take part in any activity managed by the Club, whether of Amateur status or otherwise, Honorary Members, Vice Patrons or Patrons of the Club for such period as the Managing Committee thinks fit or Honorary Life Members of the Club.


Persons of either sex who have attained the age of 18 years and are received in General society and are not professional riders and bodies detailed in Rule 51 shall be eligible for admission to Membership of the Club; Provided that the persons eligible for Life, Ordinary or Associate Membership shall be persons who permanently reside in the Town and island of Bombay, limits of Greater Bombay, Bombay Suburban Districts an any area on the Bombay Local Railway up to and including Virar on the Western Railway and Kalyan on the Central Railway and also provided that spouses of members who have been members for a minimum continuous period of 10 years can request for a transfer of membership on the death of a member in his/her name which may be granted by the Managing Committee at their discretion.

Children (being also Amateurs) below the age of 18 years may be elected as Junior Members without a right to hold office or to exercise power of voting as hereinafter provided on applications from guardians or parents.


  1. The Managing Committee shall have power to invite such persons (not) being professional riders) as they think fit to become Patrons or Vice Patrons of the Club provided that save as hereinafter no person shall be invited to become a Patron or Vice-Patron unless he donates such sums to the funds of the Club as may be decided by the Managing Committee.
  2. A Patron or Vice-Patron, on his agreeing in writing to be bound by the constitution and the Rules and Regulations for the time being of the Club, will be entitled to all the rights and privileges of Membership including the rights of attending and voting at meetings but will not be liable to pay any entrance fee or subscription whatsoever.


  1. No person shall be eligible for election directly as a Life Member or an Ordinary Members, but shall only be eligible for election as an Associate Member; PROVIDED that any person who has been an Associate Member for a minimum period of 5 years shall be entitled to apply for election as Life or Ordinary Member subject to the discretion of the Managing Committee and on payment of such transfer fees as prescribed by it from time to time. PROVIDED further that no such Associate Member shall be entitled to apply for election as a Life Member or Ordinary Member unless he has completed a minimum of 54 rides per year during each of the 3 years prior to the date of the application or a cumulative of 162 rides during the said period of 3 years.
  2. Persons eligible for election as a Life Member or an Ordinary Member shall be elected only by the process of secret ballot, in which case, one Black ball would be negative four white balls. In the event of there being two or more black balls, the candidate’s application will stand rejected.
  3. In case a member is not elected at the first ballot, he would get an opportunity to appear for the ballot one year later. If the candidate fails to secure requisite number of votes in the second ballot, he has to remain an Associate Member as long as he is a member of the Club.


All founder members of the club will be entitled to all rights and privileges including the right of attending, who became Members of the Club prior to 22nd July 1942 shall be styled Founder Members and will be entitled to all the rights and privileges of membership of the Club including rights of attending and voting at Meetings. On and from 1st April 1943 Founder Members shall become Ordinary Members of the Club and shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of Membership including the rights of attending and voting at Meetings and will be liable to pay subscription but will not be liable to pay any entrance fee.


Any person otherwise eligible for admission to Membership who is ordinarily resident outside the limits of the area prescribed in the case of Life, Ordinary and Associate Members as per Rule 42, may be elected a Temporary Member by the Managing Committee for a period not exceeding one year at a time.


Any person otherwise eligible for admission to Membership who is ordinarily resident outside the limits of and maintains no place of residence with the area prescribed in the case of Life, Ordinary and Associate Members as per Rule 42 may be elected by the Managing Committee as an Outstation Member.


  1. A company incorporated under the Companies Act 1956 as amended from time to time or any other institution or corporation incorporated under any law in force either in India or abroad but having an office within the limits of Greater Mumbai (but excluding a co-operative society registered under any law relating to co-operative societies) or any foreign consulate or High Commission office in Mumbai or any other body whether incorporated or not and having an office or place of business in Greater Mumbai as may be decided by the Managing Committee from time to time shall be entitled to be elected as Corporate Member.
  2. The procedure for election of corporate member shall be the same as applicable to election of associate member with necessary modification therein.
  3. The application for election as corporate member shall be in form “C” provided under Rule 52.
  4. The duration of Corporate Membership shall be 10 years from the date of election and the corporate member shall be entitled to nominate maximum 3 nominees for using the facilities of the club. These nominees will however undergo, the scrutiny of the membership committee like any other member.
  5. The corporate member shall pay a specified minimum amount as entrance fees for the corporate membership and enrolment fees for nominees and such annual subscription as may be decided by the Managing Committee from time to time.
  6. The corporate member shall be entitled to all facilities and privileges as that of an associate member except the right of conversion to ordinary membership and life membership.


  1. Persons shall be made Patrons, Vice-Patrons or Honorary Members by Resolution of the Managing Committee to that effect.
  2. Persons shall be admitted to other class of membership by the following procedure: -
    1. Every proposal for such Membership shall be in writing in such forms as the Managing Committee may from time to time prescribe duly signed by the applicant and sponsored by two Members any one of who shall have known the applicant personally for at least 2 years and who shall have been Patrons, Vice-Patrons, or Life, Ordinary (who are not Members of the Managing Committee ) and Associate Members of not less than one year’s standing and one of whom shall sign as Proposer and the other as Seconder.

      PROVIDED that a proposal for Membership may be sponsored by any two Patrons, Vice Patrons or Life, Ordinary or Outstation members other than Life or Ordinary Membership who may not have known the applicant personally for a period of 2 years or who may themselves have not been Members for over one year, in which event the applicant shall be required to deposit with the Secretary of the Club along with his application for Membership such sum as may be determined by the Managing Committee from time to time. Such deposit may be utilized by the Club towards any amounts due by the Applicant to the Club and the balance of such deposit to the credit of the applicant may be withdrawn on either his completing one year as a Member of the Club, or his ceasing to be a member or his application for Membership being rejected.

    2. The proposal for Membership shall be sent to the Secretary who shall forthwith put it up on the Club’s Notice Board, with the date when it reached him, for at least fourteen days.
    3. The applications shall be put before the Managing Committee at its meeting held next after the expiry of the period of fourteen days specified in (b) above.
    4. No person shall be admitted to membership of the Club until he is elected by the Managing Committee by a Majority of votes.
    5. Immediately upon the election of a Member, notice thereof shall be given to him, by the Secretary and he shall be furnished with a copy of the club Rules and a request to pay to the Club within 14 days, from the receipt of such notice of the election, the amount of his entrance fee and first subscription. Upon payment of his entrance fee and first subscription he shall become a Member of the Club and be entitled to all the benefits and privileges of Membership and be bound by the rules.

      PROVIDED that the Secretary of the Club may in his absolute discretion allow any person proposed for Membership of the Club prior to his being so elected in accordance with these rules to take advantage of the riding facility provided by the Club immediately on receipt of his Membership application in the prescribed form duly proposed and seconded and on payment of the appropriate amount of the membership fees, annual Subscription and such other additional amounts and on such conditions as may be decided by the Managing Committee from time to time. However, this facility will not be extended beyond a period of one month from the date of receipt of the application of the Membership. PROVIDED FURTHER that by allowing such an applicant to ride immediately on receipt of his application the Managing Committee will not be bound to admit him as a Member of the Club.

    6. If a member shall fail to pay his entrance fee and/or subscription within 14 days after receipt of the notice of election, the Managing Committee, may at their discretion, declare his election void.
    7. The Managing Committee may lay down any condition or restriction on Junior Members in their discretion as a condition of their admission as members.
    8. It is clarified that the powers exercisable by the Managing Committee under this Rule may be delegated to sub-committee as provided in Rule 18 and this sub-clause is not to be taken as prejudicing the generality of the powers conferred under Rule 18.


  1. The spouse and children of a member may be permitted, on an application in writing by the Member concerned to take advantage of all Membership facilities, subject however, to the power of the Managing Committee to exclude from the provisions of this rule any such person as they may in their discretion think fit without assigning any cause or reason thereof;

    PROVIDED that daughters and sons above the age of eighteen and Professional riders will not be entitled to take advantage of this Rule.

    PROVIDED FURTHER that those who make use of the Membership facilities under this Rule shall not be deemed to be Members and as such shall not be entitled to receive notice of or to attend or vote at any General Meeting of the Club or to be elected to the Membership of any Committee or Sub - Committee of the Club.

  2. The Member concerned shall be responsible for everything supplied to and all liabilities incurred by or on behalf of those who make use of the Membership facilities under Sub-Rule (1) hereinabove.


  1. Subject to the restrictions imposed by the Rules and Byelaws, Members may introduce as their guests to the Club, persons who are received in General Society upon payment of such guest fee (if any) and riding charges as may be determined from time to time by the Managing Committee. Professional jockeys will be allowed to be entertained in the Club as guests. A guest can visit the Club a maximum of six times in a calendar month. A Guest can be introduced for riding at the Riding School not more than SIX TIMES in a Calendar month by the same or different members. Also, if the same guests come to the clubhouse after riding separate guest charges will not be levied again (As per Managing Committee Meeting dated 10th Nov, 2015).
  2. No person shall be introduced to the Club as a guest who has been rejected as a candidate for Membership of the Club or who has ceased to be Member of the Club under Sub-Rule 56(a), (3),56(a) (4), 56(a) (5) and 56(a) (6) of the rules and Regulations of the Club or whose name has been posted for default under Sub-Rule 56 (c) or whose conduct or presence in the Club may be considered by the Managing Committee to be objectionable or prejudicial to the interest of the Club.


No member shall be absolved from the operation of the Rules and Regulations for the time being in force on the plea of not having received a copy thereof. Copies can always be had on application to the Secretary.


  1. A member shall cease to be a Member of the Club: -
    1. If by letter addressed to the Secretary, he voluntarily resigns Membership and pays all debts due to him to the Club.
    2. If adjudged an insolvent.
    3. If found guilty by a competent tribunal, of an offence involving in the opinion of the Managing Committee, gross misconduct.
    4. If expelled by any other Club or institution with which the Club has Reciprocal arrangement.
    5. On failure to pay debts due to the Club, after his name has been posted for non-payment under sub-clause (c) hereof, and
    6. On expulsion from the Club under sub-clause (b) thereof.
  2. If any member of the Club shall not observe or comply with or shall commit breach of any bye-law Rule or Regulation of the Club or shall be guilty of any ungentlemanly conduct in or out of the club or shall be guilty of conduct such as the Managing Committee considers likely to endanger the harmony or affect the character or stability or interests of the Club, such member shall be liable to expulsion or suspension from membership for such period as the Managing committee deems fit by a resolution of the Managing Committee, provided that not less than two thirds of the Members present shall have voted in favour of the same and provided also that at least fourteen days before the Meeting at which such Resolution is passed, he shall have had notice thereof and of the intended resolution and reasons thereof for his expulsion or suspension and that he shall at such meeting and before the passing of such resolution have had an opportunity of giving orally or in writing any explanation or defence, he may think fit. It shall be in the power of the Managing Committee to exclude such Member from the club till such resolution has either been passed or rejected. The Managing Committee shall give or post to him by registered post a letter containing a notification of the said resolution. On the passing of such resolution of expulsion, the Member shall forthwith cease to be a member of the club and shall not have any claim against the Managing Committee or the club, but any fees or subscription paid in advance, after adjusting the same towards the dues by him, shall be refunded. On the passing of such resolution for suspension or exclusion, the member will not be entitled to enjoy any of the benefits of membership, nor will he be entitled to enter the Club’s premises. However, if a member who is suspended or excluded as aforesaid has a horse/s stabled at the Club, he will be entitled to continue to so stable the same at the club during the period of suspension/exclusion but will not be permitted to ride the same and such horse/s maybe exercised by his syce or by any other member owning horses that are stabled at the Club. No appeal shall lie from the determination of the Managing Committee.
  3. If any Member fails to pay his subscription or bills to the Club, after the same have in the opinion of the Managing Committee, been duly demanded of him in writing, he shall be liable to have his name posted in the premises of the Club, for a period of 30 days and notice of such posting shall be sent to the registered address of the Member immediately. If at the expiration of such period, as aforesaid, the amount due or any part thereof remains unpaid, the Member shall cease to be a Member of the Club and his name shall be erased from the Register of Members, but he may be readmitted, without formal re-election on his assigning to the Managing Committee, reasons which they in their sole discretion, may consider satisfactory, for his having failed to pay such subscription failing due in the interval or which would have so fallen due, had he continued to be a Member. No Member who is posted as a defaulter shall be entitled during default, to exercise any of the privileges of membership.


Persons ceasing to be members under Sub-Rules 56(a) (3), 56(a) (4) or and 56(A) (6) shall not be eligible for re-election.


No member who has ceased to belong to the Club by resignation, expulsion, default or otherwise, shall have any claim upon or be entitled to participate, in any of the affects or property of the Club.


The Secretary shall maintain a Register of the Members of the Club. Each member shall communicate his address in Bombay or that of his Banker or Agent in Bombay, from time to time, to the Secretary. Such address shall be inserted in the Register of Members and the address last entered in the Register, shall be taken to be the correct address of such members, for the purposes of the Rules and Regulations of the Club and all Notices sent by post to such address shall be deemed to have been duly delivered. If an Outstation member does not furnish the address of his Bankers or Agents in Bombay, then for the purposes of Rules and Regulations of the Club and all Notices sent to him by post to any other address communicated by him be deemed to have been duly delivered.


  1. The entrance fees, deposits, annual subscription, and transfer fees from one category of membership to another shall be such sums as decided by the Managing Committee from time to time.
  2. APPLICATIONS: Every proposal for Membership duly signed by the Applicant and sponsored by two Members who shall have been Patrons, Vice Patrons, Life, Ordinary and Outstation Ordinary Members of not less than ONE YEAR’S standing and one of whom shall sign as Proposer and the other as Seconder, must be accompanied by the requisite amount of fees as stated above, which will be considered as Earnest Money. On acceptance of the applicant as a Member by the Committee, the earnest money will be treated as an Entrance Fee. Such Earnest Money will not be returned except in case of the membership not being found acceptable by the Managing Committee. In such an event, the amount of the bill for Club’s facilities enjoyed by the applicant in the meanwhile, will be deducted from the monies paid at the same rate as charged for the Guests and the balance amount, if any, will be refunded. Pending acceptance of an applicant as a member, the riding facilities will be made available to the applicant for only ONE Month from the date of application till approval.
  3. TEMPORARY MEMBER In addition to the entrance fee above mentioned, temporary members Shall be liable to keep with the Club a deposit or such other sum as may be determined from time to time by the Managing Committee which be utilized by the Club towards any amounts due by the temporary member of the Club. The balance of such deposits to the credit of the Member on his ceasing to be a member shall be returnable to him. If any temporary member fails to pay any amount due to the Club within a week of such sum being demanded from him, the Managing Committee shall have the right to prevent such temporary member from taking any further part in the activities of the Club until all the dues are paid.
  4. Honorary members, life members, patrons and vice-patrons shall not be liable to pay any entrance fee.


  1. ANNUAL SUBCRIPTION: The Annual Subscription falls due on 1st April of each year. In case of the Annual Subscription not being paid within the first six months of the year i.e., by 30th September, in accordance with the rules of the Club, Rule 56-C will become applicable, and the member shall cease to be a member of the Club and his name shall be erased from the Register of Members.
  2. Ordinary Members, Associate Members, Outstation Members and Junior Members shall be liable to pay annual subscriptions of such amounts as the Managing Committee may from time to time determine. Such annual subscriptions shall be payable in advance on election and on the 1st day of April in each year.
  3. In the case of temporary members, they shall pay half annual subscription that is determined to be payable by ordinary members.
  4. Subscription once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.
  5. In case the annual subscription due by a member are not paid within six months from the due date, such member shall be liable to have his membership cancelled by the Managing Committee.
  6. Until otherwise determined by the Managing Committee the annual subscription for a calendar year shall be a sum of Rs.500/-
  7. Honorary members, Life members, Patrons and Vice-Patrons shall not be liable to pay annual subscriptions.
  8. An Outstation Member shall pay such amount as additional fees as may be determined by the Managing Committee from time to time for every calendar month or part thereof during which he makes use of the facilities of the Club. Every such Member shall notify to the Secretary in writing the date of his arrival and departure from Bombay.
  9. If any Ordinary, Associate or Junior Member absents himself from the area specified in Rule 43 for a period of not less than one Calendar year and shall have notified to the Secretary that he so proposes to absent himself, he shall be required to pay Rs.100/- or such other sum as may be determined by the Managing Committee from time to time only per annum as subscription for such period; PROVIDED that every such member shall notify to the Secretary in writing the date of his departure from and arrival in Bombay.
  10. Any Outstation member taking up permanent residence within the limit specified in Rule 43 shall within a month from his taking up such permanent residence give notice of the fact to the Secretary in writing, and he shall thereafter ipso-facto become a Resident Member from the next calendar year and shall pay the annual subscription and other fees payable by a Resident Member. Any intentional failure to give notice as aforesaid shall be treated as breach of the Rules and Regulations of the Club.
  11. In case of any dispute as to whether any Member is or has become ordinary resident or ceases to be the ordinarily resident within Bombay or as to his period of absence from or presence in Bombay, the decision of the Managing Committee shall be final and binding and there shall be no appeal there from.


The Managing Committee at any time, and from time to time may determine increase, reduce, alter, modify, or vary the fees and subscription payable by members desiring to take part in any particular amenity provided by the Club from time to time, including fees for preliminary and advanced Instructional course and hiring of mounts on daily, weekly or monthly terms.


  1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Rules 60 and 61 the Managing Committee at any time and from time to time may determine, increase reduce, alter, modify, or vary the fees and subscriptions for membership.
  2. The Managing Committee shall have the power to determine from time to time the terms and conditions upon which the fees and subscription specified in these Rules or in any of them shall be payable including, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, the period, or periods at which the same shall be payable.


Three Trustees shall be appointed by the Managing Committee subject to confirmation by the Members at any General Meeting of the Club and shall remain in office until their resignation or until a majority of not less than two-thirds of the Members present at the General Meeting shall think fit to remove any or all of them and elect a new Trustee or Trustees in his or their place. The property, effects and investments of the Funds of the Club shall be vested in the Trustees.